3rd sem solved assignments sep 2022

Consumer Behavior September 2022 Examination     Q1. What is Consumer Perception? Please explain with examples what the four concepts associated with Perception i.e., Selective Exposure, Selective Attention, Perceptual Defense and Perceptual blocking (10 Marks)   Ans 1. Introduction  …

2nd Sem NMIMS sep 2022 assignments

Decision science September 2022 Examination Q1. Avantika Mattoo working as an analyst in reputed pharmaceutical company wants to invest her money in stocks. Her friends having expertise in stock market investments, suggested her to invest money into ‘Reliance’ and ‘Maruti’…

1 sem Solved Assignments Sep 2022

Marketing Management September 2022 Examination Q1. Car zero is a car rental service it wants to target consumers who wish to buy a vehicle and suggest renting as an alternative. The company sees an opportunity in this consumer segment. The…

NMIMS 3 sem September 2022 assignment

NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE) Course: Supply Chain Management Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2022 Examination Electric Two-wheeler segment is growing quite quick. Charging station infrastructure is cited as a difficulty by many fossil fuel based auto…

NMIMS 4 sem September 2022 assignment

NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE) Course:  World Class Operations Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2022 Examination Poka Yoke is a tool to achieve world class standards in operations. Critically explain the importance of Poka Yoke in reference…

NMIMS 2 sem September 2022 assignment

NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE) Course: Business Law Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2022 Examination Arun is protesting the enforcement of a contract executed for sale of his flat. He claims that this is a voidable contract….

NMIMS 1 sem September 2022 assignment

NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE) Course: Business Economics Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2022 Examination Aakansha is handling an important project for her organization. She got tied up with the work, hence skipped her lunch. One of…

nmims solved assignments 4th sem

Advanced Supply Chain Management June 2022 Examination       Q1. With the introduction and growth of ecommerce in the ’90s and 2000s, the term 3PL has become ubiquitous, and 3PLs have expanded their services. Discuss what is a 3PL…

nmims solved assignments 3rd sem

Total Quality Management June 2022 Examination Q1. Discuss how Poka Yoke can be a key element in mistake-proofing a product’s design for manufacturability, and improving product quality and reliability. Give relevant examples. (10 Marks) Ans 1. Introduction People make mistakes…

BBA/B.Com solved assignments nmims 2022

Essentials of IT June 2022 Examination       Q1. The annual summary for the sales representatives of ABC. Co. is presented in the table below, which indicates the sales rep’s name, the target sales assigned to him, the sales…