MBA 1st Sem Dec 2023 Solved Assignments

Business Economics

December 2023 Examination





Q1. “Demand forecasting plays a vital role and enables organisations to arrange for the required input as per the predicted demand, without any wastage of material and time”

Substantiate your view on demand forecasting and discuss the various factors influencing demand forecasting. (10 Marks)

Ans 1.


Demand forecasting is the systematic process of estimating the future demand for a product or service. It functions as the cornerstone for many critical business decisions, be it production, financial planning, or human resource management. In a rapidly changing and highly competitive global marketplace, businesses cannot rely merely on historical data or gut instinct. The implications of overestimating or underestimating demand can be severe, affecting a company’s profitability, market reputation, and operational efficiency. Overestimation can lead to inventory piling up, increased carrying costs, and eventual losses upon clearance sales. Conversely, underestimation can result in stockouts, loss of market share, and reduced customer trust. Hence, having an accurate prediction of demand helps businesses to plan

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Q2. Define the term “Elasticity of demand.” Discuss different types of elasticity of demand. Also, explain why this concept should be of interest to anyone in business who has a choice to determine the price at which to sell their products.  (10 Marks)


Ans 2.


Elasticity of demand is a central concept in the realm of economics and business. At its essence, it gauges how sensitively consumer demand responds to changes in various determinants, most notably price. In a market-driven economy where prices oscillate due to numerous factors, understanding how these fluctuations impact consumer buying behavior is paramount. For businesses, elasticity isn’t just an abstract concept; it’s a vital metric that directly influences their pricing strategies, revenue models, and market positioning. This importance stems from its direct relationship with a firm’s revenue and profitability. Understanding demand elasticity aids businesses in making informed decisions about pricing their products, anticipating market reactions, and strategizing marketing efforts. In this discourse, we’ll


Q3 A) “The root of the economic problem is the scarcity of resources while our wants are infinite”. Elaborate the given statement explaining the three types of economic problems faced by an economy in achieving in production and distribution.    (5 Marks)

Ans 3a.


One of the foundational principles in economics revolves around the concept of scarcity. The quintessential dilemma is that resources – time, money, land, labor, and others – are limited, while human wants and needs are virtually endless. This disparity between limited resources and unlimited desires propels the need for making choices, leading to various economic problems. Economies, regardless of their development stages, grapple with determining what to produce, how to

Q3b) Complete the hypothetical table – compute and show steps on Average Product and Marginal product.  (5 Marks)


Quantity Total




Marginal product
1 10    
2 30    
3 48    
4 56    
5 56    
6 52    


Ans 3b.


The concepts of Average Product (AP) and Marginal Product (MP) are fundamental in understanding the law of diminishing returns in production economics. The Average Product is the output per unit of the variable factor employed, while the Marginal Product is the additional output resulting from employing an additional unit of the variable factor, keeping all other factors constant. By computing these values, we can identify patterns and assess the efficiency of productio

Financial Accounting & Analysis

December 2023 Examination




Q1. Often it happens that while running a business there is an inflow and outflow of revenues and expenses of more than one accounting period.  Such transactions, which affects more than one accounting period requires adjustment. Such adjustment are reflected in the books of accounts.

Discuss about adjustment entries, point out the type of adjustment, which may arise in the due course of business and reflect on how adjustment entries impacts the financial statement.  (10 Marks)

Ans 1.


In the dynamic realm of business, financial transactions are a daily occurrence, revolving around the constant inflow and outflow of revenues and expenses. However, not all of these transactions pertain exclusively to the current accounting period. Some span over multiple periods, creating the need for accurate reflection and tracking within the accounting system. This challenge is addressed through ‘adjustment entries’. These entries ensure that financial statements provide a clear, fair, and comprehensive view of an entity’s financial position, performance, and changes in financial position. Failure to record these adjustments can distort the financial picture of a

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Top of Form


Q2. The revenue from operations and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization are distinct metrics with separate implications for our business performance. It is crucial to understand the difference between these two figures as they provide unique insights into our operational efficiency and profitability. Discuss the statement by differentiating the difference between these two terms, Revenue from operation and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.


With the given information, prepare the statement of Profit and Loss of the company in vertical format.   (10 Marks)


Depreciation and amortisation expenses 295600
Purchase of stock in trade 10450
Employees benefit costs 959139
Other expenses 565000
Revenue from sale of product 5000000
Other operating revenues 2500000
Cost of material consumed 1050000
Finance cost 525000


Ans 2.


In the realm of business finance, understanding the nuances of various financial metrics is paramount to assessing a company’s health and performance. Two such pivotal metrics are the Revenue from Operations and Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA). While both are indicators of a company’s financial performance, they serve distinct purposes and offer different insights into the operational aspects of a business. Revenue from Operations provides a snapshot of the primary business activities, reflecting the core income-

Q3. Following is the information available for Paraam Industries Pvt Ltd for the month of August

Withdrawal of cash from the bank, as on 10th August 2023 Rs. 200000
Balance in the business bank account as on 6th Aug 2023 Rs. 500000
Purchased Computer for personal use using business fund as


on 15th August 2023

Rs. 50000
Paid for school fees for the kid from the business bank


account as on 11th August 2023

Rs. 3000


For the given information-


  1. a) Discuss the rules in relation to debit and credit as applicable for the account type being assets, liabilities, expenses and gains. (5 Marks)

Ans 3a.


In the realm of accounting, the double-entry system is a foundational concept that ensures the accounting equation remains balanced, that is, assets = liabilities + equity. Every financial transaction impacts at least two accounts, and these are represented by debits and credits. The rules for debits and credits vary based on the type of account in question, be it assets, liabilities, expenses, or gains. Understanding these rules is crucial for accurate financial record-keeping and

  1. b) Pass journal entry for the transactions. Explain why the personal expenses and business expenses of owner are treated differently (5 Marks)


Ans 3b.


Journal entries are the building blocks of accounting, capturing every financial transaction of a business in a structured manner. They follow the double-entry system, ensuring that for every debit entry, there’s a corresponding credit entry. A crucial aspect of maintaining accurate financial records is distinguishing between personal and business expenses, especially in entities

Information Systems for Managers

December 2023 Examination




Q.1) Ghanshyam Das and Sons Jewellers has now its several branches across different cities in India. The Jewellers started from very small shop in Delhi and expanded their business in several years across India. Initially when they started, they have appointed different personnels to keep a track of jewelries sold, orders given and inventory required. With the expansion of business in different cities, Ghanshyam Das and Sons Jewellers are now finding it difficult to manage/ track the details at global level and to get an overview of Jewellery details across all stores of various cities. They contacted a solution providing firm to get solution of the same and were told to shift their business to Cloud wherein, all the operations of different stores can be monitored/detailed out very easily.

Discuss  how  migrating  to  Cloud  will  help  Ghanshyam  Das  and  Sons  Jewellers  to smoothen up the process of monitoring/tracking details from one location for other stores across various cities. Also, discuss which types of cloud and cloud service will be suitable or their organization.  (10 marks)

Ans 1.


In today’s competitive business landscape, scalability and efficiency are pivotal for the growth and expansion of enterprises. Ghanshyam Das and Sons Jewellers, a prominent jewelry chain, started as a small shop in Delhi and, over the years, burgeoned into multiple branches across India. Their journey is emblematic of the quintessential Indian dream of transforming a modest endeavor into a pan-Indian enterprise. However, with expansion comes the intrinsic challenge of maintaining consistency, overseeing operations, and ensuring seamless communication among branches. With every branch potentially employing its own local system to track inventory, sales, and orders, the overarching view becomes muddled, leading to inefficiencies. The solution, as It is only half solved

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Q.2) E-Commerce has gained boom more after the digital payment initiative was emphasized for usage in recent years. Most of the retailers are using these platforms to sell their products. Discuss how the retailers are getting benefitted by choosing these e- commerce platforms. Which type of sellers are being benefitted most by choosing the e- commerce platform (Explain with help of some Statistics by taking references from some E-commerce websites). Discuss your views for all the above points by choosing any one E-Commerce platform as an example.    (10 marks)

Ans 2.


E-commerce, or the act of buying and selling goods and services online, has become an integral part of the global retail infrastructure. With the inception and proliferation of digital payment systems, e-commerce has experienced a significant surge in its adoption. These digital payment initiatives not only offer a safer, more efficient way of transacting but have also revolutionized the very nature of retail by reducing barriers to entry. While traditional retail required significant capital for physical storefronts, e-commerce platforms have democratized this space, allowing even small retailers to reach global audiences. The question isn’t just about how e-commerce benefits retailers, but which retailers stand to gain the most from this paradigm shift. As we delve deeper into the e-commerce landscape, taking a specific platform as a reference,


Q.3) Horizon Technology is new IT Company with the motive of providing solutions to different Organisations by catering to their specific product requirements. This Company has received the Project Development Task which is not much Complex in nature and the requirements are also to some extent clear. As a new venture, this organization is not fully aware of the different vulnerabilities and threats to its data. Considering the above scenarios, discuss the following:

  1. a) What can be the various threats and vulnerabilities to the organization? What are the security measures that need to be adopted by Horizon Technology for avoiding the same? (5 marks)


Ans 3a.


In today’s interconnected digital landscape, IT companies, irrespective of their size or tenure, face an array of security threats and vulnerabilities. For a nascent organization like Horizon Technology, navigating this complex terrain becomes especially challenging due to limited exposure and perhaps a lack of dedicated resources. With a clear project on their horizon and a commitment to their clients, understanding and mitigating these threats becomes paramount to ensure not only their own integrity but also


  1. b) Discuss which Software Development Life Cycle model needs to be implemented and why by Horizon Technology for development of the Project stated in the Scenario. (5 marks)

Ans 3b.


The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework that describes the stages involved in the development of software from its initial feasibility study to its maintenance post-deployment. Choosing the appropriate SDLC model is crucial for any IT company as it sets the tone for how the project will progress. For Horizon Technology, considering they have a project that’s not overly complex and with fairly clear requirements, the selection becomes pivotal to ensure timely delivery and cost-

Management Theory and Practice

December 2023 Examination




Q1. Samatadeep Industries have hired you as a consultant as most of their recent plans have failed miserably. Post you research, you concluded that they have not considered the external environment at all when planning or executing their plans. Can you guide them about the forces that affect management thought? (10 Marks)

Ans 1.


In the dynamic world of business, organizations cannot operate in isolation. The external environment plays a pivotal role in shaping the strategies and decisions of a company. Samatadeep Industries, like many other enterprises, has experienced the repercussions of not considering the external environment in their planning and execution. The external environment encompasses a myriad of forces that influence an organization’s operations, ranging from economic conditions to technological advancements, and from socio-cultural

Q2. As a management trainer to a batch of new joiners at ABC Ltd, can you explain Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of management to them and make them understand their significance in today’s world.  (10 Marks)


Ans 2.


Management, as a discipline, has evolved over the years, drawing insights from various thinkers and practitioners. Among the pioneers of classical management theory is Henri Fayol, a French engineer and director of mines, who lived between 1841 and 1925. Fayol’s contribution to management thought is monumental, with his 14 principles of management laying the foundation for modern management practices. These principles, first introduced in his book “Administration Industrielle et Générale” in 1916, were groundbreaking at the time, providing a systematic approach to organizational management. Today, even in the age of rapid technological advancements and dynamic work environments, Fayol’s principles remain

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Q3. Sachi Ltd has been facing many loses and want to modernize themselves using modern tools and have hired you as a consultant for the same. Can you explain the following concepts to them and how will they help them modernize a cycle manufacturing business like theirs.


  1. JIT (5 Marks)


Ans 3a.


In the competitive landscape of the 21st century, businesses must constantly evolve to stay relevant and profitable. For a cycle manufacturing business like Sachi Ltd, facing losses can be a wake-up call to reevaluate traditional practices and embrace modern methodologies. One such transformative approach is JIT, or “Just-In-Time” manufacturing. Adopting JIT can not



  1. Six Sigma (5 Marks)


Ans 3b.


In the quest for operational excellence and quality assurance, businesses worldwide have turned to methodologies that promise precision and efficiency. One such renowned approach is Six Sigma. For a company like Sachi Ltd, grappling with losses and seeking avenues for improvement, Six Sigma offers a structured and data-driven methodology to eliminate defects

Marketing Management

December 2023 Examination




Q 1. What are the marketing skills required to initiate the sales? Explain this with an example of how effective leadership traits can help?   (10 Marks)

Ans 1.


In today’s dynamic and competitive business environment, initiating sales is an intricate task that demands a blend of multiple marketing skills. Sales initiation is not just about showcasing a product or service but also understanding the needs of potential customers, tapping into their pain points, and offering solutions that resonate with them. Moreover, the process of sales initiation requires effective communication, trust-building, and a deep understanding of market dynamics. Effective leadership plays an instrumental role in guiding and supporting marketing teams through this initiation phase. Just as a ship requires a captain to navigate through stormy seas, a sales team relies on its leader to steer them through the challenges and complexities of the market landscape. The symbiotic relationship between marketing skills and leadership traits becomes It is only half solved

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Contact no is +91 87-55555-879

Q 2. What kind of promotions would you have for an exclusive store to sell Amul using an innovative concept. How will you plan the layout, of an exclusive Amul store?  ( 10 Marks)

Ans 2.


Amul, often dubbed as the ‘Taste of India,’ has carved a unique space in the hearts of consumers with its vast range of dairy products. Given its rich legacy, the idea of an exclusive Amul store is an exciting proposition that brings with it both challenges and immense potential. Such an exclusive store would be more than just a point of purchase; it would be an embodiment of Amul’s history, its commitment to quality, and its connection with the Indian consumer. To make this exclusive store stand out and be successful, it’s essential not just to stock Amul products but to offer an innovative and immersive experience that reinforces the brand’s essence. This requires a meticulous blend of innovative promotions and an intuitive store layout that

Q 3. Case Study

Grasim enters B2B e-commerce in building material

Grasim  Industries, an  Aditya Birla group company, today approved  its foray into  B2B e commerce in the building materials segment with an investment of ₹2,000 crore over the next five years.

This investment adds a new high growth engine with clear adjacencies within Grasim’s standalone businesses as also that of its subsidiaries and associate companies. The company is spending Rs10,000 crore in new paints business and will launch its products by early 2024. The group owns India’s -largest cement company with a capacity of 120 million tonnes per annum.

Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman of the $60 billion revenue Aditya Birla Group, said the B2B e-commerce foray is yet another strategic portfolio choice as it crystallises the group’s intent to invest in the new-age, high growth digital space. “The building materials segment presents a huge scalable business opportunity with a proven path to profitability. With this foray, Grasim would be able to leverage the large B2B ecosystem within the Aditya Birla Group,” Birla said.

This move will also catalyse the growth of the MSME universe in India and provide an impetus to the Government’s vision of ‘Digital India’, he said.

The overall building materials procurement segment in India has grown at an annual rate of 14 per cent in the last 3 years. This industry is estimated at about $100 billion with current digital penetration of just 2 per cent.

The platform will primarily focus on medium- and small-sized companies in the building materials segment with the potential to further extend to other relevant categories. The key value proposition would be an integrated procurement solution, including on-time delivery and a superior product range at competitive pricing.


  1. a) Which is the segment that Grasim is getting into? What is the strategy to get into the segment and capture the market? (5 marks)


Ans 3a.


Grasim Industries, an eminent pillar of the Aditya Birla group, is making headway into the B2B e-commerce sector within the building materials realm. As the digital landscape of India metamorphoses, businesses are eyeing spaces that are ripe for innovation and growth. Grasim’s venture, backed by a substantial investment, not only signifies its diversification strategy but also underscores its vision to harness the potential of the digital ecosystem. The goal is to intertwine their robust existing infrastructure with the proliferating digital momentum

  1. b) What are the future plans of Grasim? How does it plan to increase its reach and how is it planning to build up is its chosen segment? (5 marks)

Ans 3b.


Grasim Industries, a part of the illustrious Aditya Birla Group, is not only embracing its existing vast legacy but is ambitiously paving the way for its future in the digital realm. Its recent foray into B2B e-commerce in the building materials sector highlights Grasim’s intent to not only expand its portfolio but to revolutionize the way businesses in this sector operate. But what do these expansions signify for Grasim’s future trajectory, and how do they intend to fortify their presence in this

Organisational Behaviour

December 2023 Examination




Question 1) Rajesh works as a Manager-(Employee relations & wellbeing) in a leading organisation. He deals with all the behavioral issues in the workplace.Varun his colleague in marketing department always mocks at him saying that with the kind of profile he has, in which he needs to look after the organisational behaviour overall does not call for much work. He also tells him (Rajesh) that marketing department has to face a lot of challenges which people from his domain cannot fathom. Rajesh then smirks and lists down all the challenges to Varun. What all challenges could Rajesh face in terms of organisational behaviour? Discuss. (10 Marks)

Ans 1.


In the rapidly evolving corporate landscape, organizational behavior (OB) stands as a critical domain that examines the influence of individuals, groups, and structures on behavior within an organization. Rajesh, as a Manager in charge of Employee Relations & Wellbeing, holds a pivotal role that goes beyond mere superficial interactions. His responsibilities delve deep into understanding and fostering a conducive environment for employees to be productive, motivated, and satisfied. While every department in an organization faces its unique set of challenges, it is crucial not to undermine the complexities involved in managing human behavior. Rajesh’s role is analogous to the backbone of the organization, ensuring harmony, productivity, and morale. The significance of understanding behavioral issues and ensuring employee wellbeing cannot be overstated, It is only half solved

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Question 2) Consider any leader of your choice and discuss his traits as a leader with the help of any one leadership theory.   (10 Marks)


Ans 2.


Leadership, an essential aspect of management, often determines an organization’s direction, pace, and success. Over time, myriad theories have emerged attempting to elucidate the nature and characteristics of effective leaders. One iconic leader who has made a significant mark on the world stage is Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheid revolutionary who went on to become South Africa’s first black president. His leadership style and qualities have been celebrated, analyzed, and emulated by many across the globe. By applying the Transformational Leadership Theory to Mandela’s leadership style, we can uncover the essence of his effectiveness and

Question 3) Rohit works as a designer in a décor company but since past few months he is not happy with the kind of work he has been doing. He wants to go back to fashion industry from where he originally hails. He is really not able to concentrate in his current work and it shows in his behaviour as he snaps at people at the drop of a hat. He is thinking of consulting his colleague and best friend Ajit in order to resolve this kind of behaviour. Keeping this scenario in mind, explain:

  1. a) What kind of conflict Rohit is facing here? Explain. (5 Marks)

Ans 3a.


Conflicts are an inherent part of human interactions, especially in professional settings. These conflicts can manifest due to various internal or external triggers, leading to emotional, cognitive, or behavioral changes. In the case of Rohit, his experience at the décor company and his longing to return to the fashion industry reveal underlying layers of personal conflict. To truly understand Rohit’s predicament, it’s essential to delve deep into the nature of the conflict

  1. b) What can Ajit suggest Rohit for resolving such conflict? Discuss. (5 Marks)

Ans 3b.


In situations where intrapersonal conflicts take a toll on an individual’s well-being and performance, external guidance, especially from trusted individuals, can be invaluable. Ajit, being Rohit’s colleague and close friend, is uniquely positioned to offer insights and suggestions. Armed with an understanding of the corporate culture and a personal bond with Rohit, Ajit can play a pivotal role in assisting Rohit